Module axi

This document contains technical documentation for the axi module. To browse the source code, please visit the repository on GitHub.

This module contains a large set of AXI components written in VHDL. They are based around record types in axi_pkg.vhd that make it convenient to work with the AXI signals.

See also the Module bfm for tools to efficiently simulate your AXI design.


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component axi_address_fifo is
  generic (
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    addr_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    asynchronous : boolean;
    depth : natural;
    ram_type : ram_style_t
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    clk_input : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    input_m2s : in axi_m2s_a_t;
    input_s2m : out axi_s2m_a_t;
    --# {{}}
    output_m2s : out axi_m2s_a_t;
    output_s2m : in axi_s2m_a_t
end component;

FIFO for AXI address channel (AR or AW). Can be used as clock crossing by setting the asynchronous generic. By setting the width generics, the bus is packed optimally so that no unnecessary resources are consumed.


If asynchronous operation is enabled, the constraints of asynchronous_fifo.vhd must be used.


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component axi_address_range_checker is
  generic (
    address_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    enable_axi3 : boolean;
    supports_narrow_burst : boolean
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    address_m2s : in axi_m2s_a_t;
    address_s2m : in axi_s2m_a_t
end component;

Check that an AXI address channel does not produce transactions that are out of range.


This core checker is not suitable for instantiation in your design. Use axi_read_range_checker.vhd or axi_write_range_checker.vhd instead.


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component axi_b_fifo is
  generic (
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    asynchronous : boolean;
    depth : natural;
    ram_type : ram_style_t
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    clk_input : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    input_m2s : in axi_m2s_b_t;
    input_s2m : out axi_s2m_b_t;
    --# {{}}
    output_m2s : out axi_m2s_b_t;
    output_s2m : in axi_s2m_b_t
end component;

FIFO for AXI write response channel (B). Can be used as clock crossing by setting the asynchronous generic. By setting the id_width generic, the bus is packed optimally so that no unnecessary resources are consumed.


If asynchronous operation is enabled, the constraints of asynchronous_fifo.vhd must be used.


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Data types for working with AXI4 interfaces

Based on the document “ARM IHI 0022E (ID022613): AMBA AXI and ACE Protocol Specification”, available here:


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component axi_r_fifo is
  generic (
    asynchronous : boolean;
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    depth : natural;
    enable_packet_mode : boolean;
    ram_type : ram_style_t
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    clk_input : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    input_m2s : in axi_m2s_r_t;
    input_s2m : out axi_s2m_r_t;
    --# {{}}
    output_m2s : out axi_m2s_r_t;
    output_s2m : in axi_s2m_r_t;
    output_level : out integer range 0 to depth
end component;

FIFO for AXI read response channel (R). Can be used as clock crossing by setting the asynchronous generic. By setting the width generics, the bus is packed optimally so that no unnecessary resources are consumed.


If asynchronous operation is enabled, the constraints of asynchronous_fifo.vhd must be used.


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component axi_read_cdc is
  generic (
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    addr_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    enable_data_fifo_packet_mode : boolean;
    address_fifo_depth : positive;
    address_fifo_ram_type : ram_style_t;
    data_fifo_depth : positive;
    data_fifo_ram_type : ram_style_t
  port (
    clk_input : in std_ulogic;
    input_m2s : in axi_read_m2s_t;
    input_s2m : out axi_read_s2m_t;
    --# {{}}
    clk_output : in std_ulogic;
    output_m2s : out axi_read_m2s_t;
    output_s2m : in axi_read_s2m_t;
    output_data_fifo_level : out integer range 0 to data_fifo_depth
end component;

Clock domain crossing of a full AXI read bus using asynchronous FIFOs for the AR and R channels. By setting the width generics, the bus is packed optimally so that no unnecessary resources are consumed.


The constraints of asynchronous_fifo.vhd must be used.


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component axi_read_pipeline is
  generic (
    addr_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    full_address_throughput : boolean;
    full_data_throughput : boolean
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    left_m2s : in axi_read_m2s_t;
    left_s2m : out axi_read_s2m_t;
    --# {{}}
    right_m2s : out axi_read_m2s_t;
    right_s2m : in axi_read_s2m_t
end component;

Pipeline the AR and R channels of an AXI read bus. The generics can be used to control throughput settings, which affects the logic footprint.


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component axi_read_range_checker is
  generic (
    address_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    enable_axi3 : boolean;
    supports_narrow_burst : boolean
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    read_m2s : in axi_read_m2s_t;
    read_s2m : in axi_read_s2m_t
end component;

Rudimentary simulation runtime checker that an AXI master does not produce transactions that are out of the range of a downstream memory slave. Suitable to instantiate at the end of your AXI chain, right before the AXI memory slave.

This entity is meant for simulation, but since it contains only quite simple assertions it should be no problem for a synthesis tool to strip it. However, it is probably a good idea to instantiate it within a simulation guard:

axi_range_checker_gen : if in_simulation generate

  axi_read_range_checker_inst : entity work.axi_read_range_checker
    generic map (

end generate;


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component axi_read_throttle is
  generic (
    data_fifo_depth : positive;
    max_burst_length_beats : positive;
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    addr_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    full_ar_throughput : boolean
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    data_fifo_level : in natural range 0 to data_fifo_depth;
    --# {{}}
    input_m2s : in axi_read_m2s_t;
    input_s2m : out axi_read_s2m_t;
    --# {{}}
    throttled_m2s : out axi_read_m2s_t;
    throttled_s2m : in axi_read_s2m_t
end component;

Performs throttling of an AXI read bus by limiting the number of outstanding transactions, which makes the AXI master well behaved.

This entity is to be used in conjunction with a data FIFO (fifo.vhd or asynchronous_fifo.vhd) on the input.r side. Using the level from that FIFO, the throttling will make sure that address transactions are not made that would result in the FIFO becoming full. This avoids stalling on the throttled_s2m.r channel.

digraph my_graph {
graph [dpi = 300];

ar [shape=none label="AR"];
r [shape=none label="R"];


r_fifo [label="" shape=none image="fifo.png"];
r -> r_fifo [dir="back"];

axi_read_throttle [shape=box label="AXI read\nthrottle"];
ar:e -> axi_read_throttle;
r_fifo:e -> axi_read_throttle [dir="back"];
r_fifo:s -> axi_read_throttle:s [label="level"];

axi_slave [shape=box label="AXI slave" height=2];

axi_read_throttle -> axi_slave [dir="both" label="AXI\nread"];

To achieve this it keeps track of the number of outstanding beats that have been negotiated but not yet sent.


The FIFO implementation must update the level counter on the same rising clock edge as the FIFO write transaction, i.e. the input.r transaction. Otherwise the throttling will not work correctly. This condition is fulfilled by fifo.vhd, asynchronous_fifo.vhd and most other FIFO implementations.

The imagined use case for this entity is with an AXI crossbar where the throughput should not be limited by one port starving out the others by being ill behaved. In this case it makes sense to use this throttler on each port.

However if a crossbar is not used, and the AXI bus goes directly to an AXI slave that has FIFOs on the AR and R channels, then there is no point to using this throttler. These FIFOs can be either in logic (in e.g. an AXI DDR4 controller) or in the “hard” AXI controller in e.g. a Xilinx Zynq device.

Resource utilization

This entity has netlist builds set up with automatic size checkers in The following table lists the resource utilization for the entity, depending on generic configuration.

Resource utilization for axi_read_throttle netlist builds.


Total LUTs


Maximum logic level

data_fifo_depth = 1024

max_burst_length_beats = 256

id_width = 6

addr_width = 32

full_ar_throughput = False





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component axi_simple_read_crossbar is
  generic (
    num_inputs : positive
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    input_ports_m2s : in axi_read_m2s_vec_t;
    input_ports_s2m : out axi_read_s2m_vec_t;
    --# {{}}
    output_m2s : out axi_read_m2s_t;
    output_s2m : in axi_read_s2m_t
end component;

Simple N-to-1 crossbar for connecting multiple AXI read masters to one port.

Uses round-robin scheduling for the input_ports. It is simple in the sense that there is no separation of AXI AR and R channels with separate queues. After a port has been selected for address transaction, the crossbar is locked on that port until it has finished it’s read response transactions. After that, the crossbar moves on to do a new address transaction on, possibly, another port.

Due to this it has a very small logic footprint but will never reach full utilization of the data channels. In order to get higher throughput, further address transactions should be queued up to the slave while a read response burst is running.


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component axi_simple_write_crossbar is
  generic (
    num_inputs : positive
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    input_ports_m2s : in axi_write_m2s_vec_t;
    input_ports_s2m : out axi_write_s2m_vec_t;
    --# {{}}
    output_m2s : out axi_write_m2s_t;
    output_s2m : in axi_write_s2m_t
end component;

Simple N-to-1 crossbar for connecting multiple AXI write masters to one port.

Uses round-robin scheduling for the input_ports. It is simple in the sense that there is no separation of AXI AW/W/B channels with separate queues. After a port has been selected for address transaction, the crossbar is locked on that port until it has finished it’s write (W) transactions and write response (B) transaction. After that, the crossbar moves on to do a new address transaction on, possibly, another port.

Due to this it has a very small logic footprint but will never reach full utilization of the data channels. In order to reach higher throughput there needs to be separation of the channels so that further AW transactions are queued up while other W and B transactions are running, and further W transactions are performed while waiting for other B transactions.


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component axi_w_fifo is
  generic (
    asynchronous : boolean;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    depth : natural;
    enable_packet_mode : boolean;
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    ram_type : ram_style_t
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    clk_input : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    input_m2s : in axi_m2s_w_t;
    input_s2m : out axi_s2m_w_t;
    --# {{}}
    output_m2s : out axi_m2s_w_t;
    output_s2m : in axi_s2m_w_t
end component;

FIFO for AXI write data channel (W). Can be used as clock crossing by setting the asynchronous generic. By setting the data_width generic, the bus is packed optimally so that no unnecessary resources are consumed.


If asynchronous operation is enabled, the constraints of asynchronous_fifo.vhd must be used.


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component axi_write_cdc is
  generic (
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    addr_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    enable_data_fifo_packet_mode : boolean;
    address_fifo_depth : positive;
    address_fifo_ram_type : ram_style_t;
    data_fifo_depth : positive;
    data_fifo_ram_type : ram_style_t;
    response_fifo_depth : positive;
    response_fifo_ram_type : ram_style_t
  port (
    clk_input : in std_ulogic;
    input_m2s : in axi_write_m2s_t;
    input_s2m : out axi_write_s2m_t;
    --# {{}}
    clk_output : in std_ulogic;
    output_m2s : out axi_write_m2s_t;
    output_s2m : in axi_write_s2m_t
end component;

Clock domain crossing of a full AXI write bus using asynchronous FIFOs for the AW, W and B channels. By setting the width generics, the bus is packed optimally so that no unnecessary resources are consumed.


The constraints of asynchronous_fifo.vhd must be used.


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component axi_write_pipeline is
  generic (
    addr_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    full_address_throughput : boolean;
    full_data_throughput : boolean
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    left_m2s : in axi_write_m2s_t;
    left_s2m : out axi_write_s2m_t;
    --# {{}}
    right_m2s : out axi_write_m2s_t;
    right_s2m : in axi_write_s2m_t
end component;

Pipeline the AW, W and B channels of an AXI write bus. The generics can be used to control throughput settings, which affects the logic footprint.


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component axi_write_range_checker is
  generic (
    address_width : positive range 1 to axi_a_addr_sz;
    id_width : natural range 0 to axi_id_sz;
    data_width : positive range 8 to axi_data_sz;
    enable_axi3 : boolean;
    supports_narrow_burst : boolean
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    write_m2s : in axi_write_m2s_t;
    write_s2m : in axi_write_s2m_t
end component;

Rudimentary simulation runtime checker that an AXI master does not produce transactions that are out of the range of a downstream memory slave. Suitable to instantiate at the end of your AXI chain, right before the AXI memory slave.

This entity is meant for simulation, but since it contains only quite simple assertions it should be no problem for a synthesis tool to strip it. However, it is probably a good idea to instantiate it within a simulation guard:

axi_range_checker_gen : if in_simulation generate

  axi_write_range_checker_inst : entity work.axi_write_range_checker
    generic map (

end generate;


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component axi_write_throttle is
  port (
    clk : in std_ulogic;
    --# {{}}
    input_m2s : in axi_write_m2s_t;
    input_s2m : out axi_write_s2m_t;
    --# {{}}
    throttled_m2s : out axi_write_m2s_t;
    throttled_s2m : in axi_write_s2m_t
end component;

Performs throttling of an AXI write bus with the goal of making the AXI write master well behaved. This entity makes sure that AWVALID is asserted in the same clock cycle as the first WVALID of the corresponding data burst.

This, along with the two conditions below, realize the most strict condition imaginable for an AXI write master interface being well behaved. It guarantees that not a single clock cycle is wasted on the throttled interface.

  1. Should be used in conjunction with a data FIFO (fifo.vhd or asynchronous_fifo.vhd) on the input.w side that has packet mode enabled. This ensures that once WVALID has been asserted, it remains high until the WLAST transaction has occurred.

  2. The input.b.ready signal should be statically '1'. This ensures that B master on the throttled side is never stalled.

digraph my_graph {
graph [dpi=300];

aw [shape=none label="AW"];
w [shape=none label="W"];
b [shape=none label="B"];


w_fifo [label="" shape=none image="fifo.png"];
w -> w_fifo;

axi_write_throttle [shape=box label="AXI write\nthrottle"];
aw:e -> axi_write_throttle;
w_fifo:e -> axi_write_throttle;
b -> axi_write_throttle [dir="back"];

axi_slave [shape=box label="AXI slave" height=2];

axi_write_throttle -> axi_slave [dir="both" label="AXI\nwrite"];

The imagined use case for this entity is with an AXI crossbar where the throughput should not be limited by one port starving out the others by being ill-behaved. In this case it makes sense to use this throttler on each port.

However if a crossbar is not used, and the AXI bus goes directly to an AXI slave that has FIFOs on the AW and W channels, then there is no point to using this throttler. These FIFOs can be either in logic (in e.g. an AXI DDR4 controller) or in the “hard” AXI controller in e.g. a Xilinx Zynq device.

Resource utilization

This entity has netlist builds set up with automatic size checkers in The following table lists the resource utilization for the entity, depending on generic configuration.

Resource utilization for axi_write_throttle netlist builds.


Total LUTs


Maximum logic level